HomeBusinessDirectors GuideDirector Identification Number (DIN)

Director Identification Number (DIN)

In any company, Directors are the key professionals who perform a significant role to administer the company and handle the day to day affairs of an organization. Basically, the director of the company designated by shareholders is required to obtain a Director Identification Number (DIN) as per the Companies Act, 2013. The provisions of the Act mandated every individual who runs a business and a director of a company to avail a DIN.

What is DIN?

Director Identification Number (DIN) is a unique eight-digit number that is allotted by the Apex body of the government to the individuals who intend to become a director in a company, whether existing, proposed or new. It is unique to the existence of every individual director i.e. the director does not have to obtain DIN to stand for the directorship of different companies under section 153 & 154 of the Companies Act, 2013.

Having more than one DIN can lead to penalty or imprisonment

Therefore, Director Identification Number once allotted is valid for the lifetime of a director until cancelled or deactivated. In case anyone is found possessing another DIN, they will be imprisoned up to 6 months. So, it is always advisable not to contravene these provisions that could land you under trouble. The authenticity of such people can be verified to their names, addresses, contact details, companies in which the person holds the directorship, etc. They are required to provide the relevant documents for obtaining the number such as PAN, voter ID, utility bills not older than 2 months. Furthermore, DIN helps you to gather a relevant company information and other details.

Process for Obtaining a DIN

In case you want to file for a DIN, there here are the steps that you should follow-

  1. Any person planning to apply for DIN shall have to make an application in e-Form DIR-3 and should follow the process. PAN number is mandatory for Indian citizens and passport for foreign nationals. 
  2. The first important step is to log in to the MCA website to create a new user if you are not previously registered. After you log-in click on the DIN and then on the DIN-3 form which will download the PDF form that you have to fill offline.
  3. Download Form DIR-3 and fill the form with the required information and attach the copy of (a) Photograph (b) Identity proof (c) Proof of residence (d) Specimen signature duly verified
  4. After filling the form and attaching the required documents, sign the documents using Digital Signature Certificate (DSC)
  5. The signed form has to be verified digitally by the director/ Company Secretary/ Manager, CEO/ CFO of the company. Earlier, it was verified by the practicing CA or CS or CMA.
Companies have a legal responsibility to make sure their Directors have a DIN

DIN can be used to find out more information about a specific director or directorship. You can use DIN to search for directors of private limited companies in India on The Company Check. Our Director Search feature will give you access to entire director profiles and more!


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