HomeCompany WizardCompany CompliancesWhat is e-form DIR-3-KYC?

What is e-form DIR-3-KYC?

Director Identification Number (DIN) alludes to an extraordinary ID number apportioned to a person who is willing to be a director or is currently the director of an organization. DIN is obtained by documenting an application in eForm DIR-3-KYC, which was at first a single time process to be completed by the person who wishes to become a director in at least one or more than one organization.

Latest Update as on March 31, 2020: DIN holders labeled as ‘Deactivated’ has got an extension of up to 30th September 2020 for filing DIR-3KYC/DIR-3 KYC-Web, without paying Rs 5,000. Organizations labeled as “ACTIVE non-compliant” have got an extension of up to 30th September 2020 to file eForm ACTIVE without paying Rs 10,000.

Who needs to file e-form DIR-3-KYC?

As per the ongoing declarations by MCA, directors have to present their KYC subtleties to the MCA if in case they meet the underneath referenced conditions:

  • Allotment of Director Identification Number (DIN) to them by or on March 31, 2018.
  • DIN is in approved status.

Note: KYC is compulsory for the disqualified directors also.

Checkpoints involved in filing the e-form DIR-3-KYC

  • Directors will have to give their personal mobile number and email id while filing this e-form. This data will be verified with the help of a One-Time-Password (OTP).
  • The Directors will have to utilize their digital signatures for filing this e-Form
  • Directors should guarantee that e-Form is certified by a Chartered Accountant or Cost Accountant or Company Secretary, practicing the profession.

Due date and Penalty Charges for not filing the DIR-3-KYC form

If in case, a director fails to file the e-form by the due date on MCA 21 portal, then the DIN of such director is labeled as ‘Deactivated due to Non- Filing of DIR-3-KYC’. Then the director can re-activate his DIN by filling the e-form DIR-3-KYC which was missed after paying a penalty of Rs.5,000

Documents Required

  • Details of Nationality
  • Details of Citizenship like Gender, Date of Birth, etc.
  • Permanent Account Number (PAN )
  • Aadhar Card
  • Driving License
  • Personal Mobile Number and Email ID
  • Proof of Residential Address
  • Voters Identity Card
  • Passport (mandatory if a foreign national is a DIN Holder)

Aside from the things referenced above, if you don’t mind keep the accompanying things prepared:

  • Digital Signature of Individual filing the form (candidate).
  • Validation of the documents referenced above from Practicing Professionals, for example, CA, CS, or Cost Accountants. On account of Foreign Nationals, a member of the prescribed authority is required to attest the documents
  • A report must be given by the candidate duly attested by practicing professionals.

Procedure to File e-form DIR-3-KYC

Let’s take a look at the procedure followed to file e-form DIR-3-KYC:

Download the form

Download the form from the official website of MCA (Ministry of Corporate Affairs).

Provide DIN Details

The individual/Director must give his DIN in the KYC structure, the status of which is ‘Approved’. Directors whose DIN has been deactivated due to non-filing of the KYC can fill the form even after the due date subsequent to paying penalty.

Enter relevant details

Name and Relevant Credentials

The candidate should compulsorily enter his and his father’s first and last names. The name entered should coordinate the one referenced in the PAN. The location mentioned here will be verified with the PAN information base. Abbreviations, short forms, and single alphabets are not permitted.


It is imperative to announce your nationality. On account of far off nationals who fill in as company directors, nationality, as declared in the passport, should be chosen.

Declaration of Age

An individual must enter his date of birth in the DD/MM/YYYY design. It is significant that an individual is at least 18 years old while filling this application.


While filing the form it is compulsory to enter your permanent residential address. Ensure that these subtleties coordinate the evidence of lasting location that will be appended. A foreign pin code must be entered just if the state chosen is NA. In the event that the present residential address is not the same as your permanent residential address, then it becomes necessary to enter your residential address.

Verification of PAN

It is compulsory to proclaim your Permanent Account Number (PAN). After entering the details of your PAN, click on the ‘Verify Income-Tax’ button. The system will at that point check your subtleties according to your PAN card number.

Note: The PAN mentioned in the form and then in the DSC must be the same for successful validation. If in case, the foreign nationals don’t have a PAN, the name referenced in the form must be the same to the name given in the DSC for successful validation.

Updating Contact details and OTP Verifications

It is critical to enter your personal mobile number, which will be confirmed by an OTP. Nation codes other than +91/91/0 will be permitted only if the individual is not a citizen of India.  Similarly, you have to enter your own email ID, which will likewise be confirmed by an OTP. Post the submission of these details, click on the ‘Generate OTP’ button. Separate OTPs will be sent to your mobile number and email ID.

Note: An OTP will be sent to your registered mobile number and email ID against one form for a maximum of 10 times per day and twice in a span of 30 minutes.

Attachments to be made

An applicant is required to upload the following documents post its attestation from the professionals mentioned above:

  • Proof of Permanent address
  • Conditional attachments
  • Copy of Aadhaar Card
  • Copy of Passport
  • Proof of present address

Note: If in case, any other document is uploaded by the candidate, then it should be digitally signed by the applicant.

e-form Certification

Ensure that the e-form is digitally signed by a practicing professional namely a Chartered Accountant/Cost Accountant or a Company Secretary. It is critical to enter the subtleties of the practicing professional followed by the attachment of their digital signatures/ After analyzing it thoroughly, click on the ‘Submit’ button.

Process after Submission

SRN Generation

Post the successful submission of the eForm DIR-3 KYC, an SRN will be generated for the client. This SRN will be utilized for future communication with the MCA.

Email communication

An email with the approval for the receipt of the form will be sent to the registered email ID of the candidate.

For more information, visit the website of The Companycheck


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