In the eagerly awaited Shark Tank India Season 3, a stellar panel of judges has been assembled, comprising some of the most accomplished individuals in the business world. Among them are prominent figures like Ritesh Aggarwal, Aman Gupta, Anupam Mittal, Namita Thapar, Vineeta Singh, and Peyush Bansal. What's particularly striking about this lineup is the youthfulness of Ritesh Aggarwal, who, despite his age, has already made a significant mark in the entrepreneurial landscape. As the show unfolds, viewers can look forward to witnessing the dynamic interactions and insightful judgments of these esteemed judges.
Kalyani, West Bengal, India - In a major development for the technology sector, ProjectX (Rrs Projectx Cloud Technologies Private Limited), an innovative...
Kalyani, West Bengal, India - In a major development for the technology sector, ProjectX (Rrs Projectx Cloud Technologies Private Limited), an innovative...
In the eagerly awaited Shark Tank India Season 3, a stellar panel of judges has been assembled, comprising some of the most accomplished individuals in the business world. Among them are prominent figures like Ritesh Aggarwal, Aman Gupta, Anupam Mittal, Namita Thapar, Vineeta Singh, and Peyush Bansal. What's particularly striking about this lineup is the youthfulness of Ritesh Aggarwal, who, despite his age, has already made a significant mark in the entrepreneurial landscape. As the show unfolds, viewers can look forward to witnessing the dynamic interactions and insightful judgments of these esteemed judges.
Kalyani, West Bengal, India - In a major development for the technology sector, ProjectX (Rrs Projectx Cloud Technologies Private Limited), an innovative...
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on January 05, 2021, released a circular introducing Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) for large value transactions in Centralised...
Recent amendments to the Indian Patent Rules are going to colossally benefit startups and small entities looking for patent insurance for their inventions.
An Employee Provident Fund (EPF) is an initiative by the government to offer social security to the employees to strengthen the employer- employee bond.
Investing isn't easy as the amount of money involved is usually on the higher end as compared to other safer investment options. Here are some tips to keep in mind while investing in your first company.
In the eagerly awaited Shark Tank India Season 3, a stellar panel of judges has been assembled, comprising some of the most accomplished individuals in the business world. Among them are prominent figures like Ritesh Aggarwal, Aman Gupta, Anupam Mittal, Namita Thapar, Vineeta Singh, and Peyush Bansal. What's particularly striking about this lineup is the youthfulness of Ritesh Aggarwal, who, despite his age, has already made a significant mark in the entrepreneurial landscape. As the show unfolds, viewers can look forward to witnessing the dynamic interactions and insightful judgments of these esteemed judges.
Kalyani, West Bengal, India - In a major development for the technology sector, ProjectX (Rrs Projectx Cloud Technologies Private Limited), an innovative...